NLP Presuppositions


The NLP supports the idea that you have the entire responsibility of your life. The way you perceive the world, the meaning that you give to the signals and messages from the others, the approach and your willing to adapt to the world, and finally how you respond and interact with the world.

There are few presuppositions that the NLP practitioners consider as true (assumptions) which are the foundation of the various NLP tools and practices.

Differences in the way we perceive the world: Why sometimes is the world not like what I want?

The map is not the territory: What is really interesting with this world is that if you put 3 people in the same context, there will be 3 different interpretations/experiences. We should accept the idea that people do not think the same way as we do.

Even if people decide and act in a really strange way (non-rational based on our perspective), there is always a positive intention behind the decision (satisfy a need). People make their best choices based on their perception of available resources. Therefore, we should separate behavior from the intention.

How can I evaluate and fill this gap?

What can I do then (if perception is different)? First, try to understand the perception of the other people. Differences are not a failure. They are just feed-backThe response from the people (response which may be different from or similar to your expectation) gives you some idea (feed-back) about the meaning of your communication and action, regardless of your intention.

If you find that there are some resistances in the discussion, it means that there is a lack of rapport.  Everybody has the capacity to adapt; however, if there is a difficulty to change, it is because of inappropriate states.

In other words, you have to do your best to find the most appropriate approach to bring the solution (Law of requisite variety). If one approach is not working, do something different.  There will be one time where your action will have some impact. Why, because everything is connected.

Everything is connected, and you are the responsible of your reality.

When everything is connected, it is impossible not to influence each other. This interconnection is valid between you and other, but also within yourself. The mind and body is one. Furthermore, you are in charge of your state and your mind, therefore your capacity to produce an effective result.  The individual responsibility is also supported by the idea that whatever you focus on becomes your reality.

These are briefly the presuppositions used in the NLP. We could see in the first section that due to our various experiences, we all have our own “map” to read the world. This approach will help us to have some understanding to the other people who are “strange”.  In the second part, we saw some principles which help to understand the differences and to fill the gap. Finally, we have the few principles which refocus the responsibility to myself, given the control I have on my mind. 

You can find more elaborate article in the following links:

Good luck for the application, and feel free to share some comments.
